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Submission Deadlines & Dates

Submission Deadlines & Ethics Review Dates

Full Ethics Review only

HREC and AREC Meeting Dates and Deadlines for submissions for 2024-25 are detailed below.

The AREC dates are at the bottom of this page and also available on the (opens in a new window)AREC Intranet.

Please note the following:

  • there is a strict deadline date (see below) for the receipt of your application form - you are advised to submit early as there will be no opportunity to correct any errors beyond the deadline date;
  • submissions for full review should be submitted online via SISweb/Infohub - not by email;
  • there is a limit of 10 submissions per committee per month - submit early;
  • it is the researcher's responsibility to ensure that their submission is on the latest version of the application form  - from this website only - click here;
  • submissions should include the correct supporting documents (HREC Only:  include the HREC Support Document Template).

The deadline dates for submitting applications to either the HRECs or the AREC are usually 14-16 days in advance of the meeting - this allows for the processing of the submission and the time required to carry out the review by committee.

PLEASE NOTE: submissions received at the last minute on incorrect or incomplete forms, or after the deadline, will be returned to the applicant - no exceptions. Researchers, and where applicable, supervisors, are responsible for the quality of their submissions.



HREC Review Dates

HREC - Sciences (LS) meet on the second Wednesday of the month.

HREC - Humanities (HS) meet on the second Thursday of the month

The following shows the deadline for submissions for the review in the month indicated:

Month of review

Submission Deadline,  5pm (IST)

Meeting Dates LS / HS

September 2024

26th August

11th / 12th

October 2024

23rd September

9th / 10th

November 2024

28th October

13th / 14th

December 2024

25th November

11th / 12th

January 2025

19th December

15th / 16th

February 2025

27th January

12th / 13th

March 2025

24th February

12th / 13th

April 2025

24th March

9th / 10th

May 2025

28th April

14th / 15th

June 2025

26th May

11th / 12th

July 2025

23rd June

9th / 10th

There are some months where meeting dates may need to be changed and this will be indicated here.

AREC Review Dates

AREC meet on the first Wednesday of the month.

The following shows the deadline for submissions for the review in the month indicated:

Month of review

AREC Submission Deadline, 5pm (IST)

AREC Meeting Dates

September 2024

26th August


October 2024

16th September


November 2024

21st October


December 2024

18th November


January 2025

16th December


February 2025

20th January


March 2025

17th February


April 2025

18th March


May 2025

22nd April


June 2025

19th May


July 2024

16th June



For further information about submitting to the AREC please visit the (opens in a new window)AREC Intranet

All of the above dates are subject to change but any changes will be posted here.

There are no reviews in August.

Contact UCD Office of Research Ethics

UCD Research, Tierney Building, Belfield, Dublin 4.
E: research.ethics@ucd.ie